Recruitment Terms and Conditions
The first party shall issue a Demand letter to the Second Party mentioning the numbers of workers requirement, rate of their salary and other requirements.
Both parties should provide free employment services to the deserving candidates including free visa and free tickets.
Both parties herein shall obtain the approval of the respective government to import, recruit and supply the workers as per rules of both countries in regard to the conditions necessary to import and supply. In case of any conflict between government rule and the conditions of this contract, this deed of agreement shall be deemed as null and void.
The first party shall provide with Visa/NOC work permits of the workers from the government authority, together with other necessary relevant documents. In case of not issuance of visa due to any changes in Government policies, the first party shall be responsible for the recruitment experience.
The earning of the worker per month shall be as per the attached Demand Letter shown against each category.
The Second party shall make sure that all workers recommended for the first party are examined by an employer of (G.C.C) Nepalese doctor to appoint them by employer of the concerned government. The candidates must possess a valid certificate to the effect of the fitness such as AIDS,T.B and infectious or any other diseases. The second party will submit original medical along with passport copy.
The First party will be responsible for receiving the workers at the airport in part and as whole as per validity of Visa of the concerned country.
The second party is the supplier of the workers and will bear the responsibility for recruitment of the workers from Nepal exactly as per trade or may invite the first party or its authorized representative for recruitment of the workers within the stipulated period and not exceeding 45 days from the receipt of visa advice and other allied required documents.
The first party bears the compensation in case of death or injury of the workers and also agrees to bear the cost of transport of dead body to Nepal as per the labors law of country concerned.
There will be three months probationary period for all the workers; after completion of this period, if any worker is found unfit or unsuitable for the specific job, the worker may be terminated and repatriated at his own cost and the cost will be borne by the second party.
The workers will be interviewed, tested by representatives of the employer.
The Second party shall assist the workers in matters relating to immigration formalities, medical test and Visa stamping from the relevant Embassy and whatever other relevant matters.
The First Party ensures to provide the workers with free bachelor sharing accommodation, free food and other necessary amenities including medical and insurance coverage.
The First Party agrees to enter into agreement with Second party to supply Nepalese manpower of different categories such as skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled workers, the number and qualification in respect thereof are to be specified by the first party through task orders.
The First Party agrees to advise to the Second Party of its personnel requirement from Nepal through cable, telex or letter, specifying personnel requirements, their respective job descriptions, salaries, other terms and conditions and the desired mobilization dated on the respective site.
The Second Party shall be responsible for short of qualified candidates in conformity with the first party’s requirements notified under clause 2 above. The Second Party notifies the first party of such short listed qualified candidates who are ready for final interview and selection. The First Party has the right to either send his representatives or give the Second Party the right select process and send such qualified workers at the Second Party’s full guarantee.
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